About the Ecosystem Processes Division
On This Page:
What We Do
Main Office Location
What We Do
The Ecosystem Processes Division (EPD):
- Uses state-of-the-art targeted and non-targeted analytical methods to generate data on the presence, concentration levels, and ecological effects of emerging priority chemical contaminants and their degradates in natural and built environments.
- Develops data and predictive tools to evaluate and prioritize chemical and nonchemical stressors based on the potential for human and ecological exposure, health impacts, and ecosystem degradation.
- Develops next generation cloud-based hydrology, water quality, and ecology modeling platform to facilitate data provisioning services, modeling workflows, mobile apps to support effective management of watersheds and ecosystems.
- Develops cost effective, reliable, and documentable means to identify, monitor, and control vapor intrusion into homes and buildings to reduce or prevent potential occupant exposures and associated health impacts.
Relevant Research
Landscape and Aquatic Systems Modeling Branch:
- Site-specific models of pathogen indicators in recreational waters
- Cyanobacteria Assessment Network Mobile Application (CyAN)
- Watershed hydrology, water quality, and ecology modeling
Chemical Processes and Systems Branch:
- Chemical Transformation Simulator
- Research on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
- Adverse Outcome Pathways
Brian Schumacher, Director
- Phone: 702-798-2242
- Email: Schumacher.Brian@epa.gov
- Chemical Processes and Systems Branch
- Landscape and Aquatic Systems Modeling Branch
Main Office Location
Athens, Georgia