About the Land Remediation Technology Division
On This Page:
What We Do
Main Office Location
What We Do
The Land Remediation Technology Division (LRTD) plans, coordinates, and conducts an applied research program that delivers innovative technologies, guidance, and tools to manage the nation’s land resources. LRTD research produces approaches and tools that improve our ability to manage and remediate contaminated sites and sediments. LRTD research:
- Produces methods and tools to assess life cycle impacts from an environmental and human health perspective
- Addresses emerging environmental stressors
- Produces methods to assess the fate, transport, and environmental impacts of novel materials and chemicals through their life cycle
- Advances more sustainable use of natural and engineered resources
- Prepares for and responds to urgent Agency priorities
Relevant Research
- Research on the Management of Contaminated Sites
- Ground Water Modeling Research
- Materials and Waste Management Research
- Nutrients Management Research
- Oil Spill Research
- Underground Storage Tank Research
Learn more at Land, Oil Spill, and Waste Management Research
Kirk Scheckel, Director
- Phone: 513-487-2865
- Email: Scheckel.Kirk@epa.gov
David Kozlowski, Associate Director
- Phone: 513-569-7664
- Email: Kozlowski.David@epa.gov
- Contaminated Sites and Sediments Branch
- Emerging Contaminants and Technologies Branch
- Environmental Decision Analytics Branch
Main Office Location
US EPA ORD Center for Environmental Solutions &
Emergency Response
Land Remediation and Technology Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code: 190
Cincinnati, OH 45268