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About EPA

About the Science Advisory Board (SAB) and the SAB Staff Office

What We Do

A key priority for EPA is to base Agency actions on sound scientific data, analyses, and interpretations. The SAB provides a mechanism for the Agency to receive peer review and other advice designed to make a positive difference in the production and use of science at EPA. The SAB is authorized to:
  • review the quality and relevance of the scientific and technical information being used by the EPA or proposed as the basis for Agency regulations;
  • review EPA research programs and plans;
  • provide science advice as requested by the EPA Administrator, and
  • advise the agency on broad scientific matters.
The SAB Staff Office:
  • manages EPA requests for scientific and technical advice and peer review,
  • provides policy, technical and administrative assistance to advisory committees in conducting meetings and preparing reports,
  • oversees the formation of advisory committees and panels, ensuring that the needed breadth and depth of expertise and balanced points are achieved,
  • informs the public of committee advisory activities through Federal Register Notices,
  • ensures that committees conduct advisory activities in public, and
  • provides the public with opportunities to provide input during the advisory process.

Programs and projects managed by the SAB Staff Office

Mail code: 1400R | EPA mailing addresses
Location:  EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

SAB Organization

Tom Brennan, Director, SAB Staff Office