About the Scientific Computing and Data Curation Division
On This Page:
What We Do
What We Do
The Scientific Computing & Data Curation Division (SCDCD) develops the knowledge and information architecture necessary for integrating, transforming, and managing large scale data streams related to assessing the risk of chemicals. SCDCD creates and manages online tools and ensures they are compatible with existing chemistry, toxicology and other experimental data sources.
SCDCD scientists develop innovative decision support tools that integrate complex data sources and organize them for simple application in specific chemical safety decisions.
Amar Singh, Director
- Phone: 919-541-0272
- Email: singh.amar@epa.gov
Norman Adkins, Acting Associate Director
- Phone: 919-541-0479
- Email: Adkins.norman@epa.gov
- Application Development Branch
- Data Extraction and Quality Evaluation Branch
- Data Management and Mining Branch
Main Office Location
US EPA ORD Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure
Scientific Computing and Data Curation Division
109 T.W. Alexander Drive
Mail Code: D143-02
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709