About the Technical Support Coordination Division
On This Page:
What We Do
Division Headquarters Locations
What We Do
The Technical Support Coordination Division (TSCD) is responsible for coordination and delivery of Office of Research and Development (ORD) technical support to assist EPA Program Offices, Regions, states and tribes with decision making at Superfund sites, during emergency responses, and in other situations as needed. The Division helps regional hazardous waste program managers and on-scene coordinators make scientifically defensible decisions by providing a one-stop function to obtain the breadth and depth of ORD technical expertise.
Technical Support Centers
EPA’s Technical Support Centers (TSCs) offer scientific and engineering expertise to contaminated site decision makers within EPA, including remedial project managers and on-scene coordinators. EPA’s Regional Offices network with the states and tribes within their area to request assistance. ORD has five technical support centers:
- Engineering Technical Support Center
Provides short- and long-term assistance to Superfund and RCRA Corrective Action staff.
- Ground Water Technical Support Center
Provides support to EPA staff on issues regarding subsurface contamination, contaminant fluxes to other environmental media (e.g., surface water or air), and ecosystem restoration.
- Site Characterization and Modeling Technical Support Center
Provides technical assistance on complex hazardous waste site characterization issues through specialized teams of scientists equipped to aid the regions with screening and site characterization.
- Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center
Provides technical support to EPA program and regional offices in the area of human health risk assessment.
- Ecological Risk Technical Support Center
Provides technical information and addresses scientific questions on topics relevant to ecological risk assessment at hazardous waste sites for Superfund and RCRA Corrective Action staff.
Find more information at EPA's Technical Support Centers.
Kelly Dipolt, Director
- Phone: 513-569-7333
- Email: dipolt.kelly@epa.gov
Main Office Location
US EPA ORD Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response
Technical Support Coordination Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code: NG16
Cincinnati, OH 45268