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About EPA

Organization of EPA's Region 7 Office in Kansas City

Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and 9 Tribal Nations

On this page:

Organization Chart


Office of the Regional Administrator


Air and Radiation Division

Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division

Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division

Land, Chemicals and Redevelop-ment Division

Mission Support Division

Office of Regional Counsel

Superfund and Emergency Management Division

Water Division

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Leadership and Organizational Responsibilities

Office of the Regional Administrator

  • (913) 551-7006
Regional Administrator: James B. Gulliford

Deputy Regional Administrator: Edward H. Chu

The Regional Administrator's Office includes:
  • Agricultural Advisor
  • Children’s Health
  • Civil Rights
  • Community Involvement Coordinators (CERCLA and RCRA)
  • Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
  • Environmental Education
  • Environmental Justice
  • Equal Employment Opportunity
  • International and Tribal Affairs
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Public Affairs
  • Public Engagement
  • Renewable Fuels Advisor

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EPA's Region 7 includes:

Air and Radiation Division

Director: Dana Skelley

What We Do: The Air and Radiation Division (ARD) is responsible for ensuring healthy air quality by implementing the Clean Air Act (CAA) within the geographic boundaries of Region 7. Under this statute, and in accordance with implementing regulations and Agency guidelines, the division conducts activities to reduce emissions so that air pollution does not constitute a threat to public health, safety, well-being, and the environment. To carry out its mission, the division works with other federal agencies, state and local agencies, tribal governments, the public, and the private sector.

ARD is responsible for reviewing and approving State Implementation Plans, providing technical analysis for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards designations process, and the Regional Haze program. ARD conducts air quality modeling and oversees ambient air monitoring networks, emissions inventory, and awards grants to states, tribes, and other entities. ARD oversees state air permit programs and issues air permits on tribal lands, and works with stakeholders to address air pollution impacts from prescribed fires.

ARD also works to reduce emissions from vehicles and mobile sources through outreach and grant programs, such as the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. ARD implements the Air Toxics program, including the National Air Toxics Assessment, as well as the Radiation program, including radon and electromagnetic radiation, radionuclide NESHAP, radioactive waste, and radiation emergency response. Finally, ARD is responsible for implementing Ambient and Indoor Air Quality programs, which include radon, asthma, and EnergyStar.

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Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division

Director: David Cozad

What We Do: The Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division (ECAD) promotes environmental compliance with federal environmental regulations in partnership with our states and tribes. The division is responsible for developing and implementing Region 7’s enforcement and compliance assurance programs and statutes. ECAD works closely with the other Region 7 divisions, Office of Regional Counsel (ORC), Criminal Investigations Division (CID), and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deliver a comprehensive enforcement and compliance assurance program utilizing the entire spectrum of compliance assurance tools available to the region. This includes:
  • Strategic planning for enforcement
  • Compliance monitoring and assistance activities
  • Conducting inspections
  • Developing enforcement cases
  • Preparing and issuing administrative actions
  • Monitoring return to compliance
  • Assessing penalties
  • Developing judicial enforcement actions
  • Negotiating settlements
  • Measuring and reporting results of the region’s enforcement efforts

ECAD inspects, investigates and, where appropriate, initiates case development and implements enforcement actions for violations of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Hazardous Waste), Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and other laws.

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Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division

Director: Cecilia Tapia

What We Do: The Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) provides the applied science and technology support to the region. The division ensures the quality assurance programs meet EPA Quality Assurance Guidelines. LSASD is responsible for working with the other regional divisions to ensure that the environmental data collected, reported and used meets data quality requirements.

LSASD provides integrated field support and laboratory analytical support for regional programs. This includes field sampling, investigations, and the field activities associated with studies in support of Superfund remediation, hazardous waste determinations, air quality assessment, water quality assessment, ecological condition assessment, and enforcement activities.

The division director is the region’s Deputy Scientific Integrity Official, who is responsible for ensuring the integrity of technical products, peer review, science inventory, science hub services, and general regional scientific integrity issues.

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Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Division

Director: DeAndre Singletary

What We Do: The Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Division (LCARD) implements portions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, including management of hazardous waste, solid waste, underground storage tanks, and leaking underground storage tanks. The division also implements the regional Brownfields program, as well as programs associated with these laws:
  • Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
  • Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
  • Toxic Substances Control Act
  • Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act of 1984
  • Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986
  • Pollution Prevention Act of 1990
LCARD implements these programs through oversight and assistance related to state-delegated programs, direct program implementation, issuing permits, tribal projects, grants management, oversight of trust fund, partnership efforts, program approvals, technical assistance, and projects to promote sustainable environmental results. The work is accomplished through interaction with states, tribes, local governments, nonprofit organizations, the regulated community, and the public. The division aligns priorities with the EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management and the EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

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Mission Support Division

Director: Mike Brincks

What We Do: The Mission Support Division (MSD) provides leadership, support, communications and direction to ensure efficient operations vital to EPA and regional goals. The division director is the region’s Senior Resource Official and Senior Information Official. MSD advises senior leadership and management on regional and national policies involving strategic planning, technical, and resource management issues. The division manages the following functional areas:
  • Strategic planning
  • Budget and finance
  • Facilities and security
  • Human resources
  • Information technology management
  • Grants and interagency agreements management
  • Contracts and acquisition
  • EPA’s Lean Management System and process improvement
  • Health and safety

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Office of Regional Counsel

Regional Counsel: Leslie Humphrey

What We Do: The Regional Counsel reports to the EPA General Counsel and the Assistant Administrator for the EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance for technical, legal, and programmatic oversight; and to the Regional Administrator for administrative oversight. The office provides legal advice and services on the legal sufficiency of permits, program delegations to the states, grants, Freedom of Information Act, general law, administrative law, and ethics. The office also provides legal interpretations and support for the implementation of statutes under EPA’s jurisdiction and the Agency’s regulations. The attorneys represent the region in civil administrative and judicial litigation.

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Superfund and Emergency Management Division

Director: Mary Peterson

What We Do: The Superfund and Emergency Management Division (SEMD) is responsible for cleaning up and restoring contaminated lands and natural resources to safeguard and revitalize communities in the Heartland. SEMD does this through our authorities granted by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980; Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA); National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan (National Contingency Plan or NCP);, and National Response Framework. SEMD accomplishes its mission by managing and implementing a broad spectrum of emergency response, cleanup, and land revitalization programs, including the following key activities:
  • Operation of a 24/7 spill reporting/response line
  • Emergency response actions for discharges of oil and releases of hazardous substances
  • Inspection of above-ground oil storage facilities
  • Management of about 100 Superfund sites with various long-term environmental and human health threats
  • Administration of grant funding to states for input and oversight of cleanup activities at Superfund sites in their states
  • Partnership with federal, state and local response organizations to prepare for environmental emergencies and disasters and support counterterrorism
  • Response to disasters and emergencies in coordination with state partners and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Identification of Potentially Responsible Parties (polluters) and negotiation of work at Superfund sites to reduce the burden on taxpayers and states
  • Cost recovery to collect cleanup oversight costs from polluters

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Water Division

Director: Jeffrey Robichaud

What We Do: The Water Division (WD) ensures drinking water is safe and restores and maintains watersheds and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants, and wildlife. WD supports the states in the implementation of numerous programs and directly implements portions of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. The division supports cross-cutting EPA activities such as Urban Waters, Watershed Protection and Restoration, and other geographic initiatives. The division manages:
  • Implementation, state partnerships, and tribal responsibilities for the Public Water Supply Supervision and Source Water programs
  • Underground Injection Control program
  • Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program, Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund

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