March 17, 2016 - Ozone Advance Guidance Updates
Updates to the Ozone Advance guidance are needed in order to reflect the new 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). At the same time, other revisions are warranted in order to refresh outdated information and to clarify various issues that have called for further explanation over the years since the program’s inception in 2012. One substantive change would allow areas that are designated nonattainment for a revoked NAAQS, but that are designated attainment for subsequent NAAQS to join the program. This webinar walks through the revisions and provides an explanation for each one.
- Intended Audience: State, tribal, and local air agencies that are participating in the Advance Program.
- Presenters: Laura Bunte, U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
- Presentation Materials for Ozone Advance Webinar (PDF)(12 pp, 416 K)