Past Members of the Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGL) Committee (1996-2011)
The last meeting of the ONational Advisory Committee for Acute Exposure Guideline Levels for Hazardous Substances (NAC/AEGL Committee) was in April 2010, and its charter expired in October 2011. Although the work of the NAC/AEGL Committee ended, the AEGL program continues to operate at EPA and works with the National Academies to publish final AEGLs.
AEGL Committee Chairman
George Rusch
Designated Federal Officer
Paul S. Tobin
U.S. EPA/Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics
AEGL Program Director
Roger Garrett
On this page:
- Federal government
- Academia and other organizations
- Foreign governments
- Labor unions
- Private industry
- State government
- Technical support
Federal Government
Lynn Beasley
U.S. EPA/Superfund
Robert Benson
U.S. EPA/Region VIII
Kyle Blackman
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Iris A. Camacho
U.S. EPA/Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics
Gail Chapman
U. S. Navy
George Cushmac
U.S. Department of Transportation
Albert G. Dietz
U.S. Department of Energy
Richard Erickson
U.S. Navy
Ernest Falke
Chair, SOP Workgroup
U.S. EPA/Office of Pollution Prevention & Toxics
David Freshwater
U.S. Department of Energy
Alfred Feldt
U.S. Department of Energy
John P. Hinz
U.S. Air Force
James Holler
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
Warren Jederberg
U.S. Navy Glenn Leach U.S. Army
Mark A. McClanahan
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Richard Niemeier
U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
Thomas J. Sobotka
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Kenneth Still
U.S. Air Force
Thomas Tuccinardi
U.S. Department of Energy
George Woodall
U.S. EPA/Office of Research & Development
Academia and Other Organizations
Alan Becker
Association of State and Territorial
Health Officials (ASTHO)
Jonathan Borak
Yale University
Loren Koller
Oregon State University
Marinella Payton
Department of Public Health
Jackson State University
George Rodgers
University of Louisville
Daniel Sudakin
American College of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine
Doan Hansen
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Dieter Heinz
National Fire Protection Association
Robert Snyder
Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
Richard Thomas
International Center for Environmental Technology
Alan Woolf
American Association of Poison
Control Centers
Foreign Governments
Marc Baril
IRRST Canadian Government Occupational and
Safety Research Institute
Mattias Oberg
Swedish Institute of Environmental Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Marc Ruijten
National Institute of Public Health and
Environmental (RIVM), The Netherlands
Marcel T.M. van Raaij
National Institute of Public Health and
Environmental (RIVM), The Netherlands
Labor Unions
Edward Bernas
American Federation of Labor and Congress
of Industrial Organizations
John Morawetz
International Chemical Workers Union
Private Industry
Steven Barbee
Arch Chemicals, Inc.
Larry Gephart
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Ralph Gingell
Shell Oil Company
Clarion E. Johnson
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Susan Ripple
Dow Chemical Company
State Government
George Alexeeff
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment,
California EPA
Henry Anderson
Wisconsin Department of Public Health
David Belluck
Minnesota Department of Transportation
William Bress
Vermont Department of Health
Neeraja Erraguntla
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Roberta Grant
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Thomas C. Hornshaw
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Nancy K. Kim
New York State Department of Health
Zarena Post
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Martha Steele
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
The following individuals provided invaluable technical support to the AEGL program:
Surender Ahir
U.S. Occupational Safety and
Health Administration
Cheryl B. Bast
Oakridge National Laboratory
Peter Bos
RIVM, The Netherlands
Heather Carlson-Lynch
SRC, Inc.
Kowetha Davidson
Oakridge National Laboratory
Gary Diamond
SRC, Inc.
Boris Filatov
Research Institute of Hygiene,
Toxicology, and Occupational
Pathology (RIHTOP)
Mark Follansbee
SRC, Inc.
Sharon Frazier
Peter Griem
Ursula Gundert-Remy
Lisa Ingerman
SRC, Inc.
Fritz Kalberlah
Marquea D. King
Valery Kiryukhin
Julie Klotzbach
SRC, Inc.
Alexander A. Maslennikov
Sylvia Milanez
Oakridge National Laboratory
Dennis Opresko
Oakridge National Laboratory
Annick Pichard
Jennifer Rayner
Oakridge National Laboratory
Robert H. Ross
Oakridge National Laboratory
Judy Strickland
Letty Tahan
Sylvia Talmage
Oakridge National Laboratory
Sylvie Tissot
Ludmila P. Tochilkina
Claudia Troxel
Oakridge National Laboratory
Annetta Watson
Oakridge National Laboratory
Carol S. Wood
Oakridge National Laboratory
Robert A. Young
Oakridge National Laboratory
Valentin Ye. Zhukov