AP 42 Section 15.9 Blasting Caps, Demolition Charges, and Detonators - Related Information
Supporting data for the emissions factors are summarized in the background report and are presented more completely in the zipped Microsoft Excel® workbooks below. Each zipped file corresponds to a subsection within Section 15.9.
July 2009
Section 15.9.13, M2A4 15-Pound Demolition Shaped Charge - ZIP(478 K)
February 2008
Section 15.9.8, M130, the M6 Electric Blasting Cap
Section 15.9.9, M131, the M7 Non-Electric Blasting Cap
Section 15.9.31, ML47, the M11 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 30-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.33, MN02, the M12 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 500-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.34, MN03, the M13 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 1,000-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.35, MN06, the M14 Non- Electric Time Delay Blasting Cap. - ZIP(3 MB)
June 2008
Section 15.9.18, M1 Pressure Type Demolition Firing Device
Section 15.9.20, M1 Pull Type Demolition Firing Device
Section 15.9.23, M60 Time Blasting Fuse Igniter
Section 15.9.37, M81 Time Blasting Fuse Igniter
Section 15.9.38, M79 Electric Match Igniter - ZIP(2 MB)
February 2008
Section 15.9.8, M130, the M6 Electric Blasting Cap
Section 15.9.9, M131, the M7 Non-Electric Blasting Cap
Section 15.9.31, ML47, the M11 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 30-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.33, MN02, the M12 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 500-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.34, MN03, the M13 Non- Electric Blasting Cap with 1,000-foot Shock Tube
Section 15.9.35, MN06, the M14 Non- Electric Time Delay Blasting Cap. - ZIP(3 MB)
November 2007
Section 15.9.20, M630, the M1 Pull Type Demolition Firing Device - ZIP(471 K)
June 2007
15.9.3 DODIC M031 ½-Pound Demolition Block Charge
15.9.11 DODIC M241 M10 High Explosive Universal Destructor
15.9.15 DODIC M456, PETN Type 1 Detonating Cord
15.9.29 DODIC ML09 Linear Shaped Demolition Charge (20 gr/ft)
15.9.30 DODIC ML15, Linear Shaped Demolition Charge (225 gr/ft) - ZIP(3 MB)
15.9.1 M023, M112 Demolition Block Charge - ZIP(392 K)
15.9.2 M030, 1/4-Pound Demolition Block Charge - ZIP(480 K)
15.9.4 M032, 1-Pound Demolition Block Charge - ZIP(450 K)
15.9.17 M591, M1 Military Dynamite Demolition Block Charge -ZIP(388 K)
15.9.25 M913, M58A3 Linear Demolition Charge - ZIP(437 K)