2016v1 Platform
The 2016v1 emissions modeling platform is a product from the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative and includes a full suite of base year (2016) and projection year (2023 & 2028) inventories, ancillary emission data, and scripts and software for preparing the emissions for air quality modeling. Nonroad emissions and MOVES emission factors are provided for the year 2020, but data for other sectors are not available for that year. The National Emissions Inventory Collaborative is a collaboration between more than 245 employees of state and regional air agencies, EPA, and Federal Land Management agencies. The 2016v1 emissions modeling platform was used for the Revised Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Update for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS.
Access the data and documentation:
- The EPA 2016v1 FTP site provides 2016v1, 2023v1, and 2028v1 inventories, smoke inputs and scripts, and summary reports.
- 2016v1 Technical Support Document
- The National Emissions Inventory Collaborative Wiki v1 Release PageEXIT - provides links to download the entire modeling platform, specification sheets that describe the data sources and methods used in each sector, and additional analysis products.