2016v7.2 (beta and Regional Haze) Platform
The 2016beta emissions modeling platform is a product from the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative and includes a full suite of base year (2016) inventories, ancillary emission data, and scripts and software for preparing the emissions for air quality modeling. The National Emissions Inventory Collaborative which represented a collaboration between more than 245 employees of state and regional air agencies, EPA, and Federal Land Management agencies.
The 2016 Regional Haze emissions modeling platform is used for regional haze-related analyses and consists of the 2016 beta emissions modeling platform with some addendums to create the base year. The 2028 Regional Haze emissions modeling platform is a projection of the 2016 Regional Haze emissions modeling platform. To distinguish between the two cases, you will notice that beta files contain the letters "ff" and Regional Haze files contain the letters "fg". For example, 2016ff would designate a beta platform base year file, while 2028fg would designate a Regional Haze projection year file.
The 2016beta emissions inventories and ancillary data are draft data. The Collaborative intends to use the 2016beta platform to evaluate the emissions data and air quality modeling results derived from these data towards the development of a 2016 version 1 emissions modeling platform. Users of these data acknowledge that they are distributed as-is, and that they have not been extensively evaluated by the Collaborative.
For additional information:
- The EPA 2016beta FTP site provides a limited set of 2016beta inventories and summary reports.
- The National Emissions Inventory Collaborative Wiki Beta Release PageEXIT - provides links to download the entire modeling platform, specification sheets that describe the data sources and methods used in each sector, and additional analysis products.