An official website of the United States government.

This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »


Printing and Publishing Standard Industry Classification Codes

The following table contains applicable Standard Industry Classifications (SIC) codes and descriptions for the printing and publishing industry. Note that these SICs are derived from actual data in the 1999 National Emission Inventory.

SIC Description
2295 Textile Mill Products: Miscellaneous Textile Goods: Coated Fabrics, Not Rubberized
2392 Apparel & Other Finished Products Made From Fabric: Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products: House Furnishings, Except Curtains and Draperies
2652 Paper And Allied Products: Paperboard Containers And Boxes: Set-Up Paperboard Boxes
2653 Paper And Allied Products: Paperboard Containers And Boxes: Corrugated And Solid Fiber Boxes
2656 Paper And Allied Products: Paperboard Containers And Boxes: Sanitary Food Containers, Except Folding
2657 Paper And Allied Products: Paperboard Containers And Boxes: Folding Paperboard Boxes, Including Sanitary
2671 Paper And Allied Products: Converted Paper & Paperboard Products, Except Containers & Boxes: Packaging Paper and Plastics Film, Coated and Laminated
2673 Paper And Allied Products: Converted Paper & Paperboard Products, Except Containers & Boxes: Plastics, Foil, and Coated Paper Bags
2674 Paper And Allied Products: Converted Paper & Paperboard Products, Except Containers & Boxes: Uncoated Paper and Multiwall Bags
2679 Paper And Allied Products: Converted Paper & Paperboard Products, Except Containers & Boxes: Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, Not Elsewhere Classified
2711 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Newspapers: Publishing, Or Publishing & Printing: Newspapers: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing
2721 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Periodicals: Publishing, Or Publishing & Printing: Periodicals: Publishing, or Publishing and Printing
2741 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Miscellaneous Publishing: Miscellaneous Publishing
2754 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Commercial Printing: Commercial Printing, Gravure
2759 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Commercial Printing: Commercial Printing, Not Elsewhere Classified
2771 Printing, Publishing And Allied Industries: Greeting Cards: Greeting Cards
3497 Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery And Transportation Equipment: Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products: Metal Foil And Leaf
3996 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries: Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries: Linoleum, Asphalted-Felt-Base, and Other Hard Surface Floor Coverings, Not Elsewhere Classified