Basic Information about Air Quality TIPs
What is a TIP?
A Tribal Implementation Plan (TIP) is an air quality plan developed by a tribe to help attain and/or maintain national air quality standards (NAAQSNAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standards are federal standards for the minimum ambient air quality needed to protect public health and welfare. They have been set for six criteria pollutants: sulfur dioxide (S02), particulates (PM/PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and lead (Pb).) for common air pollutants.
Unlike states, tribes are not required to adopt an implementation plan. In the Tribal Authority Rule, EPA recognized that not all tribes will have the need or the desire for an air pollution control program. If a tribe elects not to develop a TIP, EPA will develop a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) to protect air quality, as necessary.
See also: Basic information about State Implementation Plans (SIPs).