Air Sensor Evaluations Conducted by Other Organizations
Similar to the EPA, many organizations conduct research to evaluate the performance of air sensors. On this page, other organizations that conduct routine, independent air sensor evaluations are listed. The resources provided by these organizations offer field and laboratory-based performance evaluations on a variety of air sensors for many different air pollutants. Some resources also include protocols on how to evaluate and calibrate air sensors for air pollution monitoring applications.
If your organization conducts independent air sensor evaluations and you would like your web page listed, use the "Contact Us" link below to notify us.
Air Quality Sensor Performance Evaluation Center (AQ-SPEC)
The South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) AQ-SPEC conducts field and laboratory performance evaluations on air sensors currently available on the market. Detailed reports as well as condensed summaries are available for viewing.
European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC) Publications Repository
The European Commission Joint Research Center publications repository includes resources on field and laboratory performance evaluations on air sensors. Additionally, resources related to protocols on evaluating and calibrating air sensors for air pollution monitoring are available.