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Air Sensor Toolbox

Air Sensor Loan Programs

EPA has established air sensor loan programs through various collaborations with community groups, schools, libraries, and others to enable the public to learn about air quality in their communities. These programs are provided to bring new air sensor technology advances to the public for educational purposes. Sensors available through these loan programs are not intended for regulatory use.

In addition, known air sensor loan programs available through other government and nonprofit organizations are listed below. If you have an air sensor loan program that you would like added to this list, please contact us by clicking on the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page. 

Disclaimer: Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute US EPA endorsement or recommendation for use.

EPA Region 5 Air Sensor Loan Program for the Midwest and Upper Midwest States

Description: EPA’s Region 5 office, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, has portable particulate matter (PM) sensors available for loan to individuals, community groups, schools, and other interested organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The loan program empowers the public to gain knowledge to drive positive change and improve public health by collecting outdoor and indoor air quality data. Sensors in this program are not intended for regulatory use.

Equipment available for loan:

  • Airbeam – portable sensor that measures particulate matter, relative humidity, noise, and temperature; for indoor and outdoor use; requires Android device to operate; battery powered.
  • Dylos DC1700  – portable sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; battery or AC powered.
  • Speck 2.0 – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter and relative humidity; for indoor use; AC powered.
  • PurpleAir – stationary sensor that measures particulate matter; for outdoor and indoor use; battery powered.

Training: Virtual or in person training in sensor operation and care, data collected, and safety is required. EPA staff are available to provide assistance and ideas to help get you started.

Additional information: Cost of shipping to users is covered. Users are responsible for the cost of return shipping or delivery to the EPA Region 5 office in Chicago after the loan is complete. Sensors can be borrowed for up to a month.

Contact: Ben Weiss at or (312) 353-9715

Portable Air Monitoring Device Loan Program for Region 10 Tribes

Description: This loan program is designed to provide portable monitoring equipment for indoor or outdoor use for the initial investigation of a complaint or concern relating to air quality in tribal lands located in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Tribes can use portable air devices to monitor air quality and particulate matter (PM) levels in elevated air pollution areas or during increased smoke seasons (e.g., summer wildfire or winter wood smoke season).

Equipment available for loan:

  • Purple Air PA-II-SD Sensors – measures fine particulate matter (PM2.5), temperature, humidity, and pressure.
  • TES 5322A Indoor Air Quality Monitors – measures PM2.5, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), humidity, and temperature.
  • Handheld Gas Monitor – measures hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO), and VOCs.
  • Handheld Particulate Monitor – measures particulate matter, CO, and carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Colorimetric Tubes – measures specific toxic and combustible substances.
  • Handheld Weather Monitor – measures temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and other weather parameters.

Training: The equipment can only be used by tribal air staff trained in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), standard operating procedures (SOPs), and data collection methods. EPA’s tribal air team will work with interested tribal air staff to determine when, where, and which air monitoring device would best meet their specific need.

Additional information on the loan program for Region 10 Tribes

Contact: India Young at or (206) 553-1219.

Regional Air Sensor Loan Program

Description: EPA regions and the communities they serve are interested in understanding air pollutant concentrations and potential pollution exposures in local-scale environments where people live and work. One way to do this is through the use of air quality sensors that are less expensive, portable and provide finer spatial and temporal resolution than is possible with traditional air monitoring. The program will allow EPA Regions to conduct short term projects investigating local and regional air quality using air sensors borrowed from EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

Equipment available for loan:

  • ARISense – measures carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM), solar intensity, noise, wind speed, and wind direction.

Training: Please see contact below for more information.

Additional information: Participating EPA Regions include the following:

  • Region 1 – headquartered in Boston, MA; serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and 10 Tribal Nations.
  • Region 2 – headquartered in New York, NY; serving New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and 8 Tribal Nations. 
  • Region 3 – headquartered in Philadelphia, PA; serving Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
  • Region 5 – headquartered in Chicago, IL; serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and 35 Tribal Nations.
  • Region 8 – headquartered in Denver, CO; serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and 27 Tribal Nations.

Contact: Andrea Clements at

Los Angeles Public Library Air Sensor Loan Program (Coming in 2020)

Description: Air quality in the Los Angeles area has improved over the last four decades, but the area still struggles with air pollution. One common pollutant of concern is fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which contributes to lung and heart problems such as asthma, and cardiovascular disease. Older adults, children, and people with chronic lung and heart disease are more at risk. 

Coming in 2020, air sensors measuring PM2.5 will be available at select branches of the Los Angeles Public Library for free checkout, similar to checking out a book. The Los Angeles Public Library system is one of the largest in the country with its 72 branches serving four million residents. The sensor loan program will help the public learn more about air quality in their communities and take actions to protect their health and the environment. Library staff will host classes and workshops for participants on how to use the air sensors and how to understand the data collected.

Equipment available for loan:

  • AirBeam2 – measures particulate matter, temperature, and relative humidity; for outdoor and indoor use; battery powered; requires Android device to operate (Note: Android phone will be included with AirBeam for checkout).

Training: Provided by Los Angeles Public Library staff.

Additional information: The Loan program will start in 2020. 

Contact: Ryder Freed at

Air Sensor Loan Programs Offered by Other Organizations

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Air Sensor Lending Program (Seattle, WA) Exit

Lane Regional Air Protection Agency, Particulate Matter Air Sensors and Clean Air Kids Program (Springfield, OR) Exit