Reuse and Revitalization in Ambler, Pennsylvania
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EPA addresses contamination in a way that makes Superfund sites protective for current and future users. To date, hundreds of communities throughout the nation have reclaimed formerly contaminated Superfund sites for protective ecological, recreational, industrial, military, commercial, residential, or other productive uses. Reuse and revitalization projects are ongoing in Ambler, Pennsylvania.

Ambler Boiler House Redevelopment – Read more about the redevelopment of the Ambler Boiler House, a former asbestos production plant, that was initiated to revitalize the commercial district of downtown Ambler, Pennsylvania.
West Ambler RevitalizationExit - Whitpain Township owns the Park portion of the BoRit Asbestos Superfund Site and is in the long-term planning process of revitalizing the entire West Ambler community, which surrounds the BoRit Asbestos Superfund Site. As part of the neighborhood's overall revitalization, the Township has proposed reusing the Site as a public space, that could include a variety of recreational-use areas. These proposed revitalization plans have been presented to the community at a series of public meetings that took place from May 2012 through February 2013. If the final EPA cleanup plan lends itself to reuse of the property, the appropriate measure; will be put in place to ensure that EPA's cleanup is not compromised in any way, for any planned reuse.
To learn more about the West Ambler revitalization, go to Whitpain Township's Revitalization & Action Plan (PDF)(56 pp, 5.31 MB, About PDF)Exit
Brownfields - EPA's Brownfields Program is designed to empower communities in economic redevelopment to work together in a timely manner to prevent, assess, safely clean up, and sustainability reuse properties which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
EPA provides Brownfields funding for assessment and cleanup of contamination at properties that are not listed to the National Priorities List as a Superfund site. EPA may award Brownfields grants, on a competitive basis, to local communities for the purpose of establishing Revolving Loan Funds (RLF). RLFs provide low-interest loans and/or sub-grants to private parties to clean up contamination at sites managed by a State Voluntary Cleanup Program and Brownfields properties for further redevelopment.
Superfund Reuse – Learn about how the Superfund program is working with communities and other partners to return hazardous waste sites to safe and productive use without adversely affecting the remedy
Region III Superfund Reuse Economic Report for 2016(22 pp, 2.41 MB, About PDF)