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AQS E mail for adding Exceptional Event Comments

Jake Summers/RTP/USEPA/US To AQS Users 1, AQS Users 2

12/18/07 12:55 cc


Subject Instructions for adding Exceptional Events Comments to Flags; AQS Report on Flagged


AQS User,

There has been a request to provide a procedure for adding comments to raw data values flagged with an exceptional event flag. These comments are required by the new "Exceptional Event Rule" that became effective May 21, 2007.

Below are the individual steps to add the comments to an existing raw data value. Where appropriate, the step is demonstrated with a screen capture for the specific step.

Please let me know if there are any problems or you have any questions.

The steps to follow are;

  1. User must assign the screening group that owns the monitor.

  2. User goes to Maintain Sample Values Raw Data

  3. Enter the monitor ID and date that contains the flagged data values. Example follows:

  1. Execute the query to return the sample values:

  1. Since the first hour of the day is highlighted, clicking on the comments tab will display the existing comment.

  1. I will demonstrate by adding a comment (just my name for simplicity) to the next hour.

  2. Highlight that record, go to top menu, click on "+" to create a blank line, and click on duplicate record icon (second one from "+". At this point, the record has been duplicated. The "action Id" must be populated with "U" for update, and click on the save icon in top menu left corner.

  1. With the record just entered highlighted, click on Comment tab, enter a sequence number, the comment, and save again.

  1. To complete the processing, the user must go to the Batch screen and click on "Stat CR". After this process completes, click on "POST" to actually finish the processing. The monitor and data values should appear on the "POST" screens.

  2. After the "POST" has completed, maintain can be used to show that the comment is now in the database.

  1. Note the change from "R" to "P" for the status between the last 2 screen captures. That demonstrates that the comment has been successfully stored.

I did this processing in our testing database rather than the production database. I hope this will help with comment entry. I did not sue any special process to perform the update that any state user with raw data update can not perform.


Jake Summers

National Air Data Group


