Elements of an Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program
An Operations and Maintenance (O&M) program should include seven elements. Although these should appear in any O&M program, the extent of each element will vary from program to program depending on the building type, the type of asbestos-containing material (ACM) present, and the ACM's location and physical condition. For example, if only non-friable ACM – ACM that could not be crumbled with hand pressure – is present, minimal notification might be needed and fewer work practices would need to be followed. However, if friable ACM – ACM that could be crumbled with hand pressure – is present, a more detailed O&M program should be prepared and followed.
A successful O&M program should include the following elements:
Training: APM and custodial and maintenance staff should receive training.
Occupant Notification: A program to tell workers, tenants, and building occupants where ACM is located, and how and why to avoid disturbing the ACM. All persons potentially affected should be properly informed.
Monitoring ACM: Regular ACM monitoring to note, assess, and document any changes in the ACM’s condition.
Job-Site Controls for Work Involving ACM: Work control/permit system to control activities which might disturb ACM.
Safe Work Practices: O&M work practices to avoid or minimize fiber release during activities affecting ACM.
Recordkeeping: To document O&M activities.
Worker Protection: Medical and respiratory protection programs, as applicable.
Next: Training
Previous: Setting Up an O&M Program