Additional Supporting Documents for Trichloroethylene Final Risk Evaluation
In November 2020, EPA released the final TSCA risk evaluation for trichloroethylene (TCE). View the final risk evaluation and supporting documents. The following risk calculators and model also support the final risk evaluation.
Risk Evaluation for TCE, Supplemental Information File: PBPK Model (ZIP)(1042 MB)
Note: The PBPK model and all associated files can be extracted from the .zip file posted above. Model equations are defined in .model files with precompiled .exe binaries provided for running the model on the windows operating system. The PBPK model unpacked folders (“ATSDR-comparison”, “Human.seqpriors.v1”, “Mouse”, and “Rat.seqpriors”) contain several file types (.in, .out, .model) necessary for running the PBPK model in MCSim. The .in files are the input files read by the compiled MCSim model while .out files are the corresponding outputs. Input (.in) files with “MCMC” in the file header correspond to inputs for the hierarchical parameterization of the species-specific model using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo. Input (.in) files with “SetPoints” as the file header run the PBPK model in MCSim by sampling from the joint posterior distributions generated using the MCMC simulation. Each of these .in files contain the exposure parameters for a given PBPK model simulation. Output (.out) results generated from a “SetPoints” simulation are used to determine the credible intervals for the desired dose metrics. Any new PBPK simulation would utilize a “SetPoints” simulation to sample the joint posterior distributions from the corresponding .out file with desired exposure parameters defined in the “Experiment” section of the .in file. All file types can be viewed in a text editor while .out files are tab delimited and can be viewed in Excel.