Videos, Webinars, Blogs Related to Bed Bugs
Information on bed bug management is available from many sources. Some recent tools include use of webinars, blogs, and other mechanisms to provide education for various audiences.
Our bed bug clearinghouse includes several videos that relate to bed bugs.
Bed Bugs on Tribal Lands (presented December 2017)Exit
Bed Bugs in Schools (presented December 15, 2015) Exit
Bed bug IPM for schools (presented April 25, 2013)Exit
Blogs by EPA staff
These blogs are written by EPA employees (and occasional guests) about the things they bring to their jobs every day. The opinions and comments expressed are those of the authors alone and do not reflect an Agency policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy of the contents of the blog.
The following EPA blog posts address bed bug issues:
An Elderly Tenant’s Path to Overcoming Bed Bugs (Posted 9/13/16)
The Fear of Traveling with Bed Bugs (Posted 12/16/15)
A Mother and her Son Deal with Bed Bugs (Posted 3/11/2015)
A Wildlife Weekend: Raptors, Roadrunners, Vultures and Bed Bugs (Posted 10/6/15)
Bed bugs? | “The Bites are so Itchy, We Scratch until We Bleed!” (Posted 3/28/12)
Carpet Beetles are Welcome in my House if it Means not Having Bed Bugs (Posted 5/9/12)
Case of the Bed Bugs in the Prosecutor’s Office (Posted 4/16/12)
Sara and a Social Service Oversight (Posted 8/27/12)
Answering Fears of Students about Bed Bugs in their City Schools (Posted 12/11/12)
Two NYU Co-eds, Bring Home Unwelcome Guests from their Spring Break Trip (Posted 3/26/13)
Alert Child Care Center Staff save a Young Child and his Family from the Ravages of Bed Bugs (Posted 4/24/13)
Blogs by Others
Pest Control (Federal Trade Commission)