Other Benchmark Dose Models & Tools
The BMDS 3.0 User Guide contains detailed information on the BMDS models, including their formulae, parameters, special options, and benchmark dosebenchmark doseAn exposure due to a dose of a substance associated with a specified low incidence of risk, generally in the range of 1% to 10%, of a health effect; or the dose associated with a specified measure or change of a biological effect. (BMD) and BMDL
BMDLA statistical lower confidence limit on the dose or concentration at the BMD or BMC, respectively. computations.
This page links to more extensive technical background documents or technical guidance for specialized models that may not be included in the BMDS documentation.
- Multistage Weibull Time-to-Tumor Software and Documentation -- The MSW model is a standalone tool and not part of the BMDS model suite.
- Multitumor (MS_Combo) Model Documentation (supported in BMDS 3.0)
- ten Berge Model Documentation (no longer supported; available in BMDS 2.7)
- ToxicoDiffusion Model Documentation (no longer supported; available in BMDS 2.7)
- The PROASTEXIT software developed by the Netherlands' National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) requires R or S-plus to run, but has some advantages over BMDS, including the ability to include covariates in an analysis. The U.S. EPA and RIVM are working together to achieve consistency between the BMDS and PROAST software packages.
- The BMDS 2.7 materials on this site include the software (containing about 30 models), documentation, recorded webinar training, and self-paced training.