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Bristol Bay

Bristol Bay


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Review of Pebble Mine Permit Application

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing a Clean Water Act permit application from the Pebble Limited Partnership. The Corps issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act and a draft Clean Water Act Section 404 permit public notice in February 2019. For more information, visit the Corps’ Pebble Project EIS website.Exit

EPA Withdraws the 2014 Proposed Determination

In July 2019, EPA withdrew its 2014 Proposed Determination issued under section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) for the use of the Pebble Deposit Area in Southwest Alaska as a disposal site associated with mining of the deposit.

EPA Resumes Consideration of the Withdrawal of the 2014 Proposed Determination

In June 2019, EPA issued a memorandum directing EPA Region 10 to resume consideration of the withdrawal of the July 2014 Proposed Determination.

EPA Suspends Withdrawal of Proposed Determination

In January 2018, after hearing directly from stakeholders and the people of Alaska, EPA suspended its process to withdraw proposed restrictions on mining in Bristol Bay.

2017 Settlement Agreement

EPA entered into a settlement agreement with the Pebble Limited Partnership to resolve litigation from 2014 relating to EPA's prior work in the Bristol Bay watershed.

2014 Proposed Determination

EPA Region 10 initiated a process to protect one of the world’s most valuable salmon fisheries, in Bristol Bay, Alaska, from the risks posed by a mine at the Pebble deposit.

2014 Bristol Bay Assessment

EPA issued its final assessment of the potential impacts of large-scale mining development on Bristol Bay fisheries and wildlife, and on Alaska Native cultures of the region.

Watershed Map