Policy Barriers and Incentives to Reusing Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture (October 7, 2010)
Webinar Presentations (please see bottom of page for PDFs)
- Urban Agriculture and Brownfields: Introduction to Policy Issues
Marcia Caton Campbell, Center for Resilient Cities - Start Time - 00:02:56
- Urban Gardens and State Voluntary Programs: A Good Fit?
Amy Yersavich and Vanessa Steigerwald-Dick, Ohio EPA - Start Time - 00:15:44
- Implementing Urban Agriculture in Chicago
Kathy Dickhutt and Brad Roback, City of Chicago - Start Time - 00:37:20
- Policy Barriers and Incentives to Reusing Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture
Andrew Bracker, City of Kansas City, Missouri - Start Time - 01:05:20
- Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture
Jenn Bildersee, City of Portland Brownfields Program
Start Time - 01:28:00
- Panel-wide Q&A
Start Time - 01:46:02
- Transcript of the Video
- Urban Agriculture and Brownfields: Introduction to Policy Issues (PDF)(7 pp, 331 K)
- Urban Gardens and State Voluntary Programs: A Good Fit? (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
- Implementing Urban Agriculture in Chicago (PDF)(34 pp, 5 MB)
- Policy Barriers and Incentives to Reusing Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture (PDF)(17 pp, 2 MB)
- Brownfields for Community Gardens and Urban Agriculture (PDF)(16 pp, 1 MB)