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Funding Guidance for State and Tribal Response Programs Fiscal Year 2021

Section 128(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended, authorizes a noncompetitive $50 million grant program to establish or enhance state[1] and tribal[2] response programs.  Generally, these response programs address the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfields and other sites with actual or perceived contamination.  Please visit Types of Brownfields Grant Funding for an overview of the State and Tribal Response Program Grants, including program resources and highlights.

Requests for FY 2021 Section 128(a) funding will be accepted from October 2, 2020 – December 11, 2020 and should be sent to the EPA Regional Office contact listed at the end of the guidance (link below).

First-time requestors are strongly encouraged to contact their Regional EPA Brownfields contact, listed on the last page of the guidance, prior to submitting their funding request.

[1]The term "state" is defined in CERCLA § 101(27).

[2]The term "Indian tribe" is defined in CERCLA § 101(36). Intertribal consortia, as defined in the Federal Register Notice at 67 FR 67181, Nov. 4, 2002, are also eligible for funding under CERCLA § 128(a).

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