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Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA)

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EPA's Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) program helps states, tribes, and municipalities minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfield sites. This program supplements other efforts under the Brownfields Program to promote the cleanup and redevelopment of brownfield sites. TBAs are conducted by an EPA contractor on behalf of an eligible entity. Services include site assessments, cleanup options and cost estimates, and community outreach. Services are for an average of $100,000. The sites for this program are selected locally, on a rolling basis.

What is a Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA)?

A TBA may encompass one or more of the following activities:

  • An ASTM Phase I, which includes a background and historical investigation and site inspection;
  • A full site assessment, including sampling activities to identify types and concentrations of contaminants and the areas of contamination that must be cleaned up; and
  • The determination of how much more investigation is needed and/or the establishment of cleanup options and cost estimates based on future uses and redevelopment plans.

The TBA program works closely with your state environmental agency. Our goal is a "seamless" transition into your state’s program, if necessary. TBAs are considered a grant of services and are conducted by environmental consultants currently under contract with EPA. The cost of these assessments ranges between $50,000-$100,000. It is also important to note that this program does not provide assistance to conduct site cleanup or building demolition activities.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

EPA offers assistance in the form of a TBA to public entities (e.g., municipalities, regional planning commissions) and non-profit organizations. It is important that the applicant currently have redevelopment plans for the contaminated property. The applicant should apply on behalf of a specific site which it currently owns or can obtain ownership through some other means (e.g. tax foreclosure).

If the site is currently not owned by the applicant, the site should be "abandoned." An "abandoned" site for the purposes of this program is a site where the current owner has shown no interest in the property, has not paid taxes on the property, and does not have the resources to conduct the required site assessment work. This program is not intended to assist private parties assess and cleanup their sites for redevelopment. 

EPA's TBA assistance is available through two sources: directly from EPA through EPA regional Brownfields offices, and from state or tribal voluntary response program offices receiving funding. This assistance is authorized under Subtitles A and C of the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act.

What Factors Help Ensure a Successful Application? 

Site Control and Ownership Transfer is Not an Impediment

  • Site is publicly owned either by a municipality or through a quasi-public entity such as a redevelopment authority or industrial development corporation.
  • Site is owned by a nonprofit entity such as a community development corporation.
  • Site is privately owned and a clear means of recouping EPA expenditures is available (e.g., through an agreement with the owner or developer or through a lien), or the private entity has performed prior environmental work at the site. 

There is Strong Municipal Commitment

  • There is a strong municipal commitment as demonstrated by a willingness to legally take the property if necessary, establishment of financial incentives, or commitment of municipal resources for other components of the project. 

There is Clear Municipal/Community Support for the Property's Revitalization

  • The site is clearly an integral part of a local development plan and there is no known public opposition. 

There are Adequate Resources and High Developer Interest

  • The municipality or potential site developer has demonstrated an ability to leverage additional funds for cleanup and other future work at the site; and/or the site has strong development potential as demonstrated by past or present interest by a developer(s). 

EPA Assessment Assistance is Crucial

  • Lack of site assessment is the major obstacle to redevelopment and other resources are not available for assessing the site. 

There is State/Congressional Support

  • The state/congressional members have no objection to federal involvement or the redevelopment project. 

Existing Information Supports Directing Resources to the Site

  • Based on existing information, the site is likely to have low to moderate levels of contamination.
  • Commitments are in place for the cleanup and redevelopment of the site.
  • Redevelopment will result in benefits to the community, such as an increase in jobs for the surrounding residents.

Project Area has a Clear Need for Revitalization

  • The project has significant deterioration or significant environmental justice issues, which provide a clear need for revitalization. 

There is State Support

  • There is clear coordination between EPA and the state program. 

Project is Consistent with other Economic Redevelopment Initiatives

  • Site has an important linkage to other EPA/state initiatives.
  • A direct health/environmental threat will be mitigated or site revitalization will serve to spur further beneficial activity in nearby locations.
  • There is consistency with other federal agency Brownfields efforts, e.g., economic redevelopment efforts.

Regional TBA Programs

  • Region 1 - (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
  • Region 2 - (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)
  • Region 3 - (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia)
  • Region 4 - (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
  • Region 5 - (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin)
  • Region 6 - (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)
  • Region 7 - (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska)
  • Region 8 - (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)
  • Region 9 - (American Samoa, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada)
  • Region 10 - (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington)