This page provides information related to the EPA's residential wood heater laboratory proficiency test program.
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2020 & 2021 EPA Wood Burning Appliance Test Laboratory Proficiency Test Protocol (PDF)(6 pp, 181 K)
This document provides a 2020-2021 updated framework, superceding the 2018-2019 framework, informing a Proficiency Test Provider how an EPA Approved Wood Burning Appliance Test Lab Proficiency Test program is to be conducted. It includes detailed direction such that Proficiency Test Providers working independently will provide like data to EPA for evaluation.
Results of 2018-2019 Wood Heater Laboratory Proficiency Test Program (PDF)(10 pp, 342 K,
June 30, 2019)
This document is the 2018-2019 results of the residential wood heater laboratory proficiency test program. This is a requirement for laboratories to remain on the EPA list of accredited residential wood heater testing laboratories.
2018-2019 EPA Wood Burning Appliance Test Laboratory Proficiency Test Protocol (PDF)(6 pp, 406 K,
January 31, 2019)
This document provides the original 2019-2019 framework, informing a Proficiency Test Provider how an EPA Approved Wood Burning Appliance Test Lab Proficiency Test program is to be conducted including detailed direction such that PT providers working independently will provide like data to EPA for evaluation. This 2018-2019 framework is superceded by the 2020-2021 updated framework.
Proficiency Test Providers (PDF)(1 pg, 262 K,
January 30, 2018)
A list of proficiency test providers for labs that do emissions testing on wood heaters for compliance with the NSPS.