Complainant: Elizabeth Berg, Acting Assistant Director, Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division, U.S. EPA, Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, California 94105.
Respondent: Jaguar Heaven Auto Dismantler, 1433 Tillie Lewis Drive in Stockton, California 95206
Description of Business or Activity Conducted by the Respondent: Respondent primarily recycles and removes auto parts for wholesale and retail customers, activities classified under SIC Codes 5015 (Motor Vehicle Parts, Used) and 5093 (Scrap and Waste Materials), which are each considered an “industrial activity” for purposes of CWA § 402(p), 33 U.S.C. § 1342(p), and 40 C.F.R. § 122.26(b)(14)(vi).
Summary of Alleged Violations: Respondent is engaged in removing and recycling auto parts at its Facility, which is a regulated industrial activity under the CWA. The Respondent discharged pollutants associated with its industrial activites without NPDES permit coverage. The Respondent has since obtained CWA NPDES permit authorization for discharges of stormwater from its Facility.
Proposed Penalty: $10,000
Respondent: Jaguar Heaven Auto Dismantler, 1433 Tillie Lewis Drive in Stockton, California 95206
Proposed Expedited Settlement Agreemement: Jaguar Heaven Auto Dismantler, Stockton, CA (PDF)(1 pg, 317 K,
October 19, 2020)
Proposed Administrative Penalty Settlement In the Matter of Jaguar Heaven Auto Dismantler, 1433 Tillie Lewis Drive in Stockton, California 95206. Docket No. CWA-09-2021-0006.