EPA Region 4 is the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) sources offshore the state seaward boundaries of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, which includes all areas of the Gulf of Mexico east of 87’30” (see CAA section 328). Below is the Final Initial Permit and Preliminary Determination / Statement of Basis for Anadarko Petroleum Corp. - Diamond BlackHornet Drilling Project (EPA Permit # OCS-EPA-R4020). Other documents may be found on the Docket on Regulations.gov Exit
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Outer Continental Shelf Permit Contact in the Southeastern US - Region 4: Eva Land (404-562-9103)
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Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Black Hornet Permit to Construct and Operate Under the Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations Permit No. OCS-EPA-R4019 (PDF)(45 pp, 518 K,
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Black Hornet Permit to Construct and Operate Under the Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations Permit No. OCS-EPA-R4019
Preliminary Determination & Statement of Basis Outer Continental Shelf Air Permit OCS-EPA-R4019 for Anadarko Petroleum, Inc. Diamond BlackHornet Drilling Project (PDF)(71 pp, 1 MB,
Preliminary Determination & Statement of Basis Outer Continental Shelf Air Permit OCS-EPA-R4019 for Anadarko Petroleum, Inc. Diamond BlackHornet Drilling Project