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CAA Permitting in EPA's Mid-Atlantic Region

EPA's Mid-Atlantic Region - Region 3 - serves Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia

Focus Topics for Region 3

State and Local Permitting Authorities

Approved state and local agencies have the primary responsibility for issuing Clean Air Act air permits in Region 3. The region retains responsibility for all air-related permitting on tribal lands and carries out oversight on the state and local programs. To learn more, select the agency of interest below.

Contact Information for Region 3 Air Permitting

Mailing Address: Permits Branch, U.S. EPA Region 3, Mail Code: 3AD10, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Branch Chief:  Mary Cate Opila(

Responsibility Contact Phone
Mary Cate Opila, Acting Associate Director,Branch Chief, Permits Branch Mary Cate Opila
(215) 814-2041
RACT Team Lead, PA Permitting Emily Bertram
(215) 814-5273
RACT, TOPS, Electronic Permitting System Riley Burger
(215) 814-2217
NSR/PSD, AMS Permitting, VA Permitting Riley Burger
(215) 814-2217
PA Permitting Support, Once in Always in policy Paul Entwistle
(215) 814-2343
MACT/NESHAP Delegation Paul Entwistle
(215) 814-2343
ACHD Coordination, Clean Power Plan/ACE Rule Mike Gordon
(215) 814-2039
RACT, SIPs, Outer Continental Shelf, ACHD Permitting Amy Johansen
(215) 814-2156
Permitting Support Yongtian He
(215) 814-2339
RACT, WV Permitting, MD Permitting, ACHD RACT Cynthia Stahl
(215) 814-2180
CAA Section 129/111(d) - Solid Waste Combustion Cynthia Stahl
(215) 814-2180
Permitting Support Gwen Supplee
(215) 814-2763
Delaware Permitting, DC Permitting Matt Willson
(215) 814-5007
File and Records Management Matt Willson
(215) 814-5007