CAA Permitting in South Dakota
Clean Air Act permitting in South Dakota is the responsibility of the Air Quality Program of the South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources.
Responsible Area
Statewide, except in Indian Country, where EPA Region 8 is the permitting authority
Agency Office
Air Quality Program Exit
South Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Joe Foss Building, 523 E. Capitol
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
605-733-3151, Fax: 605-773-4068
Air Permitting Information and Contacts
General Air Permitting
Kyrik Rombough, Acting Permits Manager
605-773-3351 ext. 5708
Title V Operating Permits
Kyrik Rombough, Acting Permits Manager
605-773-3351 ext. 5708
Construction Permits
Kyrik Rombough, Acting Permits Manager
605-773-3351 ext. 5708
EPA Permit Program Oversight Lead
Carson Coate (