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Clean Air Act Permitting in Illinois

Clean Air Act permitting in Illinois is the responsibility of the Bureau of Air at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Responsible Area


Agency Office

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Exit
Bureau of Air
1021 North Grand Avenue East
Springfield, IL 62702

Contact: Bill Marr ( 217-557-0312

EPA Contacts
Danny Marcus ( 312-353-8781

David Ogulei ( 312-353-0987

Daniel Wolski ( 312-886-0557

Air Permitting Information
IEPA Air Permits Home Exit
IEPA Permit Public NoticesExit
IEPA Issued Permits SearchExit
Veolia Part 71 Permit
Illinois Laws and RulesExit

Federal Construction Permit Authority
PSD40 CFR 52.21 Exit
Nonattainment NSR and minor constructionApproved State Implementation Plan

Federal Operating Permit Authority
Approval status for operating permit programs Exit

Title V Program Documents
Title V Program Approval History
Illinois Title V Program Evaluation
Other Operating Permit Program Documents

Construction Permit Program Documents
Construction Permit Program Approval History
Illinois NSR Program Evaluation