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North Dakota Operating Permit Program Approval History

The EPA has granted full approval for the North Dakota Title V operating permit program.

Below is a summary of the approval history for the North Dakota operating permit program. Links to PDFs of the relevant federal register notices for final approvals are located beneath the summary.

Effective Date Summary of Approval Action
North Dakota Operating Permit Program Approval History
August 16, 1999

Full Final Approval: Direct final rule published on June 17, 1999 in the Federal Register at 64 FR 32433.  Effective August 16, 1999, unless comments received by July 19, 1999.

August 7, 1995

Final Interim Approval: Published on July 7, 1995 in the Federal Register at 60 FR 35335. North Dakota received approval of its 112(l) mechanism for delegation of part 70 and non-part 70 sources concurrent with this approval.

April 28, 1995

Proposed Interim Approval, or in the Alternative Proposed Disapproval: Published in the Federal Register, at 60 FR 20941 on April 28, 1995. Comment required by May 30, 1995.

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