Tribal Consultation for Air Permits SIP Actions in EPA’s South Central Region
EPA’s South Central region (Region 6) serves Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and 66 Tribes
The State permitting agencies are the air permitting authorities for each of the States in EPA’s South Central Region. In each of these States, the EPA has approved the permitting programs into the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP). As the State permitting authorities revise their air permitting programs, the EPA will take federal action on revisions to the State Implementation Plan.
Federal action on revisions to the SIPs identified above would apply in all areas of the State where the State has jurisdiction under the Clean Air Act. Because of a recent court decision, Oklahoma DEQ v. EPA, this now includes non-reservation areas of Indian Country, such as off-reservation allotments (restricted and trust) and fee lands unless EPA or the Tribe demonstrate jurisdiction over those lands. The SIP does not apply on tribal trust lands.
When EPA intends to propose a federal action on a revision to a SIP in the South Central Region, we will initiate consultation with our Tribal partners in accordance with the EPA Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes. Notification of consultation may be initiated by phone or letter. EPA’s South Central Region Air Permits Section will use this page to electronically post SIP submittal information for references purposes about ongoing Tribal Consultation opportunities in our region.
- Tribal Consultation on Oklahoma Permitting SIP Revisions, initiated on December 10, 2015 via conference call.