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Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC)

Advanced Coal Technology Workgroup of the CAAAC

This workgroup is currently inactive.

The Clean Air Act Advisory Committee in September 2006 charged the Advanced Coal Technology Workgroup to discuss and identify the potential barriers and opportunities to create incentives under the Clean Air Act for the research, development, demonstration and deployment of advanced coal technologies (ACTs), including carbon capture and sequestration. During the course of the year, the group agreed to go beyond the limits of its charter and to discuss mechanisms that might be engaged to advance deployment of ACTs outside of the existing Clean Air Act.

On January 29, 2008 the workgroup completed its Final Report, which presents thirteen succinct, consensus-based recommendations that can be undertaken by various stakeholders to accelerate the development and use of ACTs.


Final Report of the Advanced Coal Technology Work Group January 29, 2008

Charge to the Workgroup

  • To discuss and identify the potential barriers and potential opportunities to create incentives under the Clean Air Act to the development and deployment of advanced coal technologies.
  • This may include discussion of technical and economic information, environmental performance and characteristics, state and regional developments, and questions related to the Clean Air Act and the deployment of advanced coal technology.
  • It should also consider potential updates to the information in EPA’s technical report entitled “The Environmental Footprints and Costs of Coal-Based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle and Pulverized Coal Technologies,” and carbon capture and sequestration, among others.
  • Workgroup duration would be for up to one year. With an interim report at six months, and final report at one year.
  • Diversity of stakeholder views and perspectives.

Agendas and Presentations from Workgroup Meetings

There were fifteen meetings from January 2007 to January 2009.

Supplemental Materials

During the Workgroup process, various groups or individuals developed materials for consideration and discussion by other Workgroup members.The Workgroup agreed that it would be useful to post some of these background documents on this website.The views expressed in these materials represent those of the author(s) only, and authors' names and affiliations are indicated for each document.

Contact Information

For further information, please contact Benjamin Hengst (