Agenda and presentations from the May 8, 2008 MSTRS meeting in Arlington, VA.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Meeting Agenda (PDF)(1 pg, 18 K, May 8, 2008)
- Assessing Effects of Mid Level Ethanol Blends (PDF)(29 pp, 440 K, May 8, 2008)
- Effects of Methyl Ester Biodiesel Blends on NOx Emissions (PDF)(33 pp, 2 MB, May 8, 2008)
- MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) Model Review Workgroup Report (PDF)(15 pp, 76 K, May 8, 2008)
- Transitioning Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs: Workgroup Report (PDF)(15 pp, 55 K, May 8, 2008)
- National Clean Diesel Programs: Progress Update (PDF)(8 pp, 355 K, May 8, 2008)
- EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act ) Renewable Fuels Provisions and Transporation Fuels GHG Lifecycle Analysis (PDF)(26 pp, 96 K, May 8, 2008)
- Particulate Matter from Gasoline Light Duty Vehicles Based on Kansas City and Other Studies (PDF)(47 pp, 3 MB, May 8, 2008)
- Collaborative Lubricating Oil Study on Emissions (CLOSE) Project (PDF)(19 pp, 785 K, May 8, 2008)