The MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) Review Workgroup was formed by the Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee (MSTRS) in April 2007 to provide input to EPA on MOVES development. Members of the workgroup represented a spectrum of stakeholders, including vehicle and engine manufacturers, fuel producers, state and local emission modelers, academic researchers, environmental advocates, and affected federal agencies.
The MOVES Review Workgroup met 15 times to review and provide comments on draft information on MOVES algorithms, data inputs, and other features. Notes from the workgroup meetings were distributed to workgroup members and comments on the meeting materials were compiled. EPA generally responded to comments at each subsequent meeting. Workgroup members also reviewed MOVES draft technical reports. The workgroup also developed specific recommendations and provided status presentations to the Subcommittee in May 2008 and again in October 2009. In April 2010, the workgroup compiled a final set of comments and recommendations as listed at the end of this report.
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