R Script: Classify Response Shape
# Perform graphical classification of response shape
unimod.test <- function(mnr, ubnd, lbnd) {
# Find the maximum and minimum predicted mean probabilities
lmax <- max(mnr)
lmin <- min(mnr)
# Find index locations for these probabilities
imax <- match(lmax, mnr)
imin <- match(lmin, mnr)
x.out <- F
y.out <- F
# Compare mean predicted probability to the left of maximum point
# with upper confidence bound. Store a T in x.out if
# any point in the mean response deviates from the
# upper confidence limit
if (imax > 1) {
x.out <- sum(lmax == pmax(lmax, ubnd[1:(imax-1)])) > 0
# Store a T in y.out if any point in the mean probability
# to the right of the maximum point deviates from the upper
# confidence limit
if (imax < length(ubnd)) {
y.out <- sum(lmax == pmax(lmax,
ubnd[(imax+1):length(ubnd)])) > 0
# Perform same set of tests for lower confidence limit
a.out <- F
b.out <- F
if (imin > 1) {
a.out <- sum(lmin == pmin(lmin, lbnd[1:(imin-1)])) > 0
if (imin < length(lbnd)) {
b.out <- sum(lmin == pmin(lmin,
lbnd[(imin+1):length(lbnd)])) > 0
# The information on where the mean curve deviates from the
# confidence limits tells us its curve shape...
if (x.out & y.out) {
if (a.out & b.out) {
return("Concave up")
if (x.out | b.out) {
if (y.out | a.out) {
if (! (x.out | y.out | a.out | b.out)) {
tolcl <- rep("", times = length(taxa.names))
for (i in 1:length(taxa.names)) {
predres <- predict(modlist.gam, type= "link", se.fit = T)
# Compute upper and lower 90% confidence limits
up.bound.link <- predres$fit + 1.65*predres$se.fit
low.bound.link <- predres$fit - 1.65*predres$se.fit
mean.resp.link <- predres$fit
# Convert from logit transformed values to probability.
up.bound <- exp(up.bound.link)/(1+exp(up.bound.link))
low.bound <- exp(low.bound.link)/(1+exp(low.bound.link))
mean.resp <- exp(mean.resp.link)/(1+exp(mean.resp.link))
# unimod.test requires that the responses be sorted by
# the value of the environmental variable.
iord <- order(dfmerge$temp)
tolcl[i] <- unimod.test(mean.resp[iord], up.bound[iord],
names(tolcl) <- taxa.names