Online Resources for CAMEO Users
CAMEO Suite Resources
- NOAA's CAMEO Suite Pages Find additional helpful resources for CAMEO Data Manager, CAMEO Chemicals, ALOHA, and MARPLOT. (NOAA and EPA jointly develop the CAMEO software suite.)
- NOAA's ALOHA Pages Get additional information about ALOHA, including tools to help you use the program.
- Ask Dr. ALOHA Read informational articles on the NOAA site designed to help you understand ALOHA better, including guidance on what tools in the CAMEO suite can be used for Risk Management Plan (RMP) consequence analyses.
- ALOHA LOC Pages Learn more (on the NOAA site) about how to choose and use Levels of Concern (LOCs) in ALOHA.
- ALOHA FAQs Read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ALOHA on the NOAA site.
- ALOHA Technical Documentation (PDF) (96 pp, 1.3 MB, About PDF) provides a description of the models and equations used by the ALOHA program to make its estimates for source strength, gas dispersion (neutrally buoyant and heavy gas), and fires and explosions scenarios.
- Help Desk Contact us via phone or email to get assistance or report a bug.
CAMEO-Related Sites
- EPA's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) works with other federal agencies, state and local agencies, and industry to prevent accidents, as well as to maintain superior response capabilities. OEM provides national leadership for managing environmental emergencies.
- NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration Go to the home page of NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R), one of the CAMEO suite developers. The OR&R site provides tools and information for emergency responders and planners working to understand and mitigate the effects of oil and hazardous materials spills in coastal waters.
- Hazmat High ExitRead a Government Technology article describing how high school students used the CAMEO software suite to help out with hazardous chemical emergency planning.
Other Chemical Response and Planning Resources
- EPA's Substance Registry Services The Substance Registry Services (SRS) is the EPA's central system for information about substances that are tracked or regulated by EPA or other sources. It is the authoritative resource for basic information about chemicals, biological organisms, and other substances of interest to EPA and its state and tribal partners.
- Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) System Information from the EPA about the transfer and release of toxic chemicals into the environment.
- International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSCs) ExitInformation about hazards and recommendations for transport, storage, disposal, and response for hazardous materials. Chemical-specific links to the ICSCs are included on some chemical datasheets in CAMEO Chemicals; those links go to an external website with ICSCs developed by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) and the European Commission.
- Toxicological Profiles (ToxFAQs) Information about contaminants found at hazardous waste sites. These factsheets highlight toxicity and exposure information. Provided by Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR).
- WebWISER Hazards information and response recommendations for about 500 hazardous substances, including common biological and radiological agents. Includes tool for identifying a chemical using physical clues and human health symptoms. Provided by National Library of Medicine.
- Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) Although CAMEO Chemicals includes several key pieces of the ERG, you may also want to obtain a copy of the ERG itself. This page allows you to (a) download PDF versions of the ERG in English, French, or Spanish, (b) locate your State Coordinator to request a print copy of the ERG, or (c) access other ERG-related resources. Provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Online, general reference guide for over 600 industrial chemicals with information on chemical and physical properties, health hazards, Levels of Concern (RELs, PELs, and IDLH values), and respirator recommendations. (Chemical-specific links to the NIOSH Pocket Guide are included on some chemical datasheets in CAMEO Chemicals.) The NIOSH Pocket Guide is also available in other formats (such as a mobile website, PDF, and a printed book). Provided by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
- Hazardous Chemical Factsheets Exit Briefing papers (in PDF format) about common hazardous chemicals, including health hazards, identification, workplace exposure limits, medical tests, workplace controls and practices, personal protective equipment, handling and storage, definitions, and emergency response information for fires, spills and first aid. Many of the PDFs are available in Spanish. Provided by the New Jersey Department of Health.
- EXtension TOXicology NETwork (EXTOXNET) ExitToxicity information on a variety of chemicals. For instance, they have Pesticide Information Profiles (PIPs) that include toxicity information, physical properties, and environmental fate and effects for pesticides. Provided by Oregon State University, although the content is a cooperative effort of several universities.
- ChemIDplus Advanced Searchable library of chemical information from the National Library of Medicine.