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Profiles of African Americans at EPA: LaTonya Sanders

Profiles of African Americans at EPA

Picture of a brown skin smiling women.

LaTonya Sanders, Public Affairs Specialist
Region 7 Office of Public Affairs
Lenexa, KS

Where were you born?

Kansas City, Kansas

What brought you to EPA?

I started at EPA as a college intern.

What type of work do you do at EPA?

I’m a Public Affairs Specialist. I work on communications, message development, speech writing, product development, media relations, congressional affairs, event planning, outreach and education.

What is your highest level of education? What was your major?

I have a Master of Public Affairs. My major was Public Administration.

What message would you like to send other Black/African Americans who are considering college or a career in environmental protection?

We need more African American leaders in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. I would definitely encourage those individuals to look beyond traditional degree programs and consider careers in environmental protection to bring more diversity to the STEM fields. There are vast opportunities for career success and achievement as a STEM professional for African Americans and others who are underrepresented in these fields.

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