Please note that the opportunities below are those that have been reported to EPA webmasters. Many offices, both at EPA headquarters and around the nation, may have volunteer opportunities available but not reported to webmasters, as described in the Unpaid Internships - General Information section on the Student Internships page. Check the information below periodically. Opportunities for work in specific offices will be posted as they open up.
The last item in the bulleted list of internships available is a link to the EPA Order authorizing the hiring of student volunteers. If it is the only item in the bulleted list, that means that no internships are currently available.
- Volunteer/Unpaid Internships for Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall 2021 in the Office of Air and Radiation, Multiple locations (No closing date)
- Volunteer/Unpaid Internships for Spring/Summer 2021 in the Office of Air and Radiation-OAPPS, Washington, D.C., CLOSING DATE: January 22, 2021
- Student Volunteer Internships for 2020/2021 in the Office of Water, Washington, D.C. (PDF)(2 pp, 160 K)
- Student/Volunteer/Unpaid Internship for Summer/Fall/Winter 2019 in Office of Administrator Smart Sectors Program, Washington, DC (No closing date) (PDF)(1 pg, 88 K, 04-03-19)
- Authority for EPA Offering Volunteer (Unpaid) Internships: EPA Order 3100.4B -- Volunteer Service Program (PDF)(8 pp, 348 K, May 19, 1980)