About the Clean Air Technology Center
The Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) serves as a resource on all areas of emerging and existing air pollution prevention and control technologies, and provides public access to data and information on their use, effectiveness and cost. In addition, the CATC will provide technical support, including access to EPA's knowledge base, to government agencies and others, as resources allow, related to the technical and economic feasibility, operation and maintenance of these technologies.
- Overview of Data Resources
- Public Access and Information Transfer
- Communications
- RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse
- Related Programs and Centers
Data Resources
- RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC)
Query, view and download data you select on- Source Specific Technology Applications
- Air Pollution Regulatory Requirements
Download technical reports, cost information and software.
Public Access and Information Transfer
The CATC's homepage provides full access to most CATC products and services and links to related programs and web sites. Download CATC and RBLC products, access CICA services and products through the link to this special site, search technology and regulation data and generate your own report, check air quality along the U.S.-Mexico border or send us an E-Mail with your question or comments. Just open our web site and check it out. Remember to add a bookmark in your web browser because you will want to come back!
If you want to do things the old fashioned way and talk to a real live person, give us a call on the CATC Info-Line. CICA, the CATCs technical support program for the U.S.-Mexico border, also provides a Spanish language Info-Line and toll-free service from Mexico. You can call the CATC on any of these numbers. We will be happy to answer your questions or direct you to an EPA staff expert on the subject or an appropriate EPA information source or service. If you do happen to get our voice mail we will usually get back to you the same day. Our normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time Monday through Friday. Voicemail is available during non-business hours and we will return your call the next business day.
Contact Information
CATC Info-Line: (919) 541-0800 (English)
CATC/CICA Info-Line:(919) 541-1800 (Spanish)
Toll-Free from Mexico (800) 304-1115 (Spanish)
FAX: (919) 541-5450
RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse
CATC maintains a technology data base called the RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse, or RBLC. The RBLC provides data on prevention and control technology determinations made primarily by state and local permitting agencies. The Clearinghouse contains over 6,500 determinations that can help you identify appropriate technologies to mitigate or treat most air pollutant emission streams. The RBLC was designed to help permit applicants and reviewers make pollution prevention and control technology decisions for stationary air pollution sources and includes data submitted by 50 states and territories in the U.S. on over 200 different air pollutants and 1,000 industrial processes.
Query the RBLC data on-line and choose what you want to see by making selections in a user-friendly query routine or selecting search criteria. The result is a data set that you have created that can either be viewed, printed or downloaded to your PC. You are in control!
* NOTE: Are you wondering what “RACT, BACT and LAER” stand for and why these acronyms are part of the Clearinghouse name? They are acronyms for different program requirements required under the Clean Air Act which also gave us the name “RACT/BACT/ LAER Clearinghouse.” RACT, or Reasonably Available Control Technology, is required on existing sources in areas that are not meeting national ambient air quality standards (i.e.,non-attainment areas). BACT, or Best Available Control Technology is required on major new or modified sources in clean areas (i.e., attainment areas). LAER, or Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, is required on major new or modified sources in nonattainment areas. However, data in the Clearinghouse is not limited just to sources subject to these requirements. Noteworthy prevention and control technology decisions are included in the RBLC even if they are not related to RACT, BACT, or LAER decisions.
Related Programs and Centers
CICA - U.S.-Mexico Border Information Center on Air Pollution / Centro de Información sobre Contaminación de Aire
CICA provides technical support and assistance in evaluating air pollution problems along the U.S. -Mexico border. It provides a bilingual (Spanish/English) information line and website. The website includes air quality data for the border, information on border air quality programs and CICA projects, downloadable products generated by CICA and others on border air pollution problems and solutions, and links to other related websites. Access CICA through the CATC website, or access CICA directly.
International Technology Transfer Center for Global Greenhouse Gases
The International Technology Transfer Center for Global Greenhouse Gases provides technology transfer regarding greenhouse gas emissions. This assistance includes characterizations of global emissions from anthropogenic sources, and available prevention, mitigation, and control technologies/ strategies for major sources of greenhouse gases. Information is available for methane emissions from landfills and other waste management facilities, the natural gas industry, and coal mining. In addition, information is available on biomass utilization for energy generation and production of liquid fuel, and for pollution prevention technologies.