RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) Products
The following items may be downloaded from the RBLC. They include executables, ZIP files, Acrobat PDF files, and ASCII text files.
RBLC User's Manual, Data Entry Form and Webinars
This is to announce the availability of 3 newly recorded webinars on using the RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC). The RBLC is a web-based application that assists State and local pollution control agencies in sharing information about newer control technologies. The basic purpose of the RBLC is to provide information on current pollution prevention and control technology and to provide data on the specific emission limits imposed on new, or modified sources across the country.
Volume 1 RBLC Basics (PDF) - Includes an introduction to the RBLC and information on how to search and generate reports.
Volume 2 RBLC Data Entry (PDF) - Information for folks who are authorized to enter information for their respective agency.
Volume 3 Appendices
RBLC Annual Reports
- RBLC Document Information (PDF)(7 pp, 71 K, April 12, 2002) (pertains to all Annuals)
- RBLC 2007 annual Report (PDF)(38 pp, 137 K, February 7, 2011)
Please Note - This report covers January 2007 through December 2007. The report is in a new abbreviated format. EPA-453/R-11-001, NTIS PB2011-105238.
- RBLC 2006 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(126 pp, 288 K, April 14, 2008)
Please Note - This report covers January 2006 through December 2006. EPA-453/R-08-001, NTIS PB2008-108976
- RBLC 2005 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(567 pp, 567 K, September 27, 2006)
Please Note - This report covers January 2005 through December 2005. EPA-453/R-06-005, NTIS PB2007-100124 9-27-06
- RBLC 2004 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(130 pp, 471 K, March 23, 2004)
Please Note - This report covers January 2004 through December 2004. EPA-456/R05-002, NTIS PB2005-104913 3-23-05
- RBLC 2003 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(74 pp, 418 K, February 2004)
Please Note - This report covers January 2003 through December 2003.
- RBLC 2002 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(286 pp, 385 K, April 2003)
Please Note - This report covers January 2002 through December 2002.
- RBLC 2001 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(279 pp, 730 K, March 2002)
Please Note - This report covers January 2001 through December 2001.
- RBLC 2000 Annual Report (Text with Appendices) (PDF)(232 pp, 442 K, June 2001)
Please Note - This report covers January 2000 through December 2000.
- RBLC 2000 Annual Supplement (Text w/o Appendices) (PDF)(72 pp, 99 K, August 2000)
Please Note - This report covers June 1999 through June 2000.
- RBLC 2000 Annual Supplement Appendices (PDF) November 2000
- Appendix F(52 pp, 193 K)
- Appendix G(45 pp, 134 K)
- Appendix H(135 pp, 349 K)
Search for annual reports older than 2000 using National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)