Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) Discussion
The CEAM-USERS listserver is an automated mailing list system maintained by the U.S. EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM). This listserver broadcasts up-to-date information regarding CEAM product updates and provides a forum for scientific and technical discussions. Subscribers may broadcast messages to other subscribers of the CEAM-USERS list to announce events like workshops, training sessions, and professional meetings or to ask and answer questions about exposure assessment modeling topics.
Using the Listserver
To post a message to the listserver, simply type the subject and body of your message into a e-mail and send it to:
CEAM_USERS Listserv: Join this online community of CEAM_USERS users to exchange questions and answers regarding the use of CEAM models .
Join the CEAM_USERS listserv by sending an email to, leaving the "Subject:" field blank and putting "subscribe ceam-users firstname lastname" in the body of the text. Once you have subscribed, you will receive a welcome message confirming your membership.
The following email commands can be used to handle most end-user functions, instead of the web interface. More information on email commands is available at Exit Browse to the "Email Commands" section in the navigation bar on the left side.
- Contributing to a List
Members can post to the list by sending their message to: - Unsubscribe from a list:
To unsubscribe from a list, send an email message to - Search past list messages:
If you are a member of a mailing list, you can search past messages of the mailing list, and the messages that match your search specification will be sent back to you via email. Send email to In the body of the message, use the commandsearch ceam-users
search words
Replace search words with the words you are searching for. ListManager will search for messages which contain any of the given search words. If multiple messages match your search, the search results will be organized so that the messages that matched more of your search terms appear at the top, and messages with equivalent search scores are organized with the newest messages first. - Contacting list owners: Send email to Mail sent to this address will be distributed to the owners of a mailing list.