HDFT Webtool
The Hydrological Simulation Program—FORTRAN (HSPF) is a comprehensive watershed model capable of simulating water availability and water quality constituents at user-specified spatial and temporal scales. It is used for the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for impaired water bodies. It is the core watershed model in BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Source Pollution) modeling system. While BASINS offers numerous databases to HSPF users, users often need to create HSPF simulations with data from non-BASINS data sources. Because HSPF requires extensive input data, its Data-Formatting Tool (HDFT) allows users to format that data and import it to a WDM file. HDFT aids urban watershed modeling applications that use sub-hourly temporal resolutions. HDFT was developed for modelers who use Gray and Green tools for stormwater management. Note that the Gray tool is used for urban environments where stormwater usually flows into stormwater system pipes before reaching a local stream, lake, or wastewater treatment plant. The Green Tool is used for green infrastructure systems that mimic natural processes to infiltrate, evaporate, or reuse stormwater to maintain the pre-development hydrology and water quality of urban environments. This tool and the tutorials can be accessed at: https://19january2021snapshot.epa.gov/ceam/total-maximum-daily-load-tmdl-models-and-tools-assess-exposures .
How to Run
Run the HDFT Webtool in your web browser.
Contact the Author
For questions and suggestions, please contact CEAM Help Desk .
For citation, please use: Yusuf Mohamoud (2012). HDFT Webtool. National Exposure Research Laboratory. Athens, Georgia