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Environmental Modeling Community of Practice

MINTEQA2 Equilibrium Speciation Model Release Notes

Version: 4.03

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions

  • New versions of MINTEQA2, PRODEFA2, FRMT and UNFRMT were generated for modern operating systems (Win2K/XP) due to the failure of the Lahey compiled versions to correctly operate on these systems. Intel FORTRAN v9.0 was used to recompile the codes with attendant minor changes in operation in MINTEQA2 and PRODEFA2. The new versions will run on all MS Windows versions. The programs are now run directly; the DOS batch files that launched the programs have been removed. To initiate a MINTEQA2 simulation enter the runtime image's name; "MINTEQA2". PRODEFA2, FRMT and UNFRMT all operate in a similar fashion.
  • ANSI extended codes that perform screen manipulations were removed from MINTEQA2 and PRODEFA2 due to the complexity of loading the various versions of the ANSI.SYS device driver for the differing command interpreters (COMMAND.COM, CMD.EXE) in the various operating systems. Screen IO for these programs is now sequentially generated and scrolls in the normal manner for command interpreters.
  • The new version of MINTEQA2 requires versions of TYPE6.UNF and THERMO.UNF generated by the new Intel compiled version of UNFRMT. If users have their own customized versions of these databases, they should first run the new FRMT program and then the new UNFRMT version to generate Intel FORTRAN direct access versions of these files.
  • A new component database (MMHG&TBT.DBS ) containing Monomethylmercury (MMHg) and Tributyltin (TBT) is distributed with this version of MINTEQA2. A testing input file (MMHG&TBT.INP) and comparison output file (test_output\MMHG&TBT.OUT) are included. To run the tests, see RELEASE.TXT. Refer to the "MMHG&TBT.pdf" paper in the \docs directory for further information.
  • No direct changes to the science simulated by the model have been made but users should note that, to date, small changes (on the order of 10e-19) occur in some numerical mass balance results generated by MINTEQA2 executing the testing input files. No programmatic reason for this discrepancy has yet been found and no scientific assessment of the significance of these differences has been obtained. The differences may be due to accumulated rounding errors for numerical operations or compilation switch incompatibility but this has not been ascertained at this time. Testing consists of running the newly compiled MINTEQA2 code with the input files provided and comparing the results generated with the standard test results contained in the test_output subdirectory. Current testing results are found in RELEASE.TXT.

Version: 4.02

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions

  • Updated MINTEQA2 model system and user support documentation files (refer to sub-directory README): READ.ME, RELEASE.TXT, UPDATE.TXT, ABSTRACT.TXT, RESPONSE.TXT, and YEAR2000.TXT.
  • Updated INSTALIT/MediaBuilder code and logic for product version description (.PVD) and installation (.INF) script files.
  • Updated Lahey FORTRAN MAKE utility files (MAKEFILE.*) for all MINTEQA2 model system FORTRAN source code files in order to maintain executable (*.EXE) files for the MINTEQ, PRODEF, FRMT, and UNFRMT components.
  • Compiled and linked executable task image program files for the MINTEQA2 model system, version 4.02, using Lahey FORTRAN 90 compiler release 3.50c and linker (386LINK, 8.0_Lahey2).
  • Included new executable task image files (XFRMTX.EXE, XUNFRMTX.EXE, XMINTEQX.EXE, XPRODEFX.EXE) and run time support operating system programs and files.
  • Updated and included test output data files within the OUT_TEST sub-directory to test installation of the MINTEQA2 model system.
  • Updated and included the following MINTEQA2 run time support programs and files:
    • MENU.BAT..........MINTEQA2 model system 'command menu' display command file
    • MINTMENU.SCR......MINTEQA2 model system 'command menu' file
    • MINRUN.BAT........MINTEQA2 model execution DOS command file
    • MINTOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 model welcome screen file
    • PRODEF.BAT........MINTEQA2 'problem definition' program execution DOS command file
    • PRODOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'problem definition' program welcome screen file
    • FORMAT.BAT........MINTEQA2 'data base format' program execution DOS command file
    • FRMTOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'data base format' program welcome screen file
    • UNFORMAT.BAT......MINTEQA2 'data base un-format' program execution DOS command file
    • UFRMOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'data base un-format' program welcome screen file
  • Application revisions to the MINTEQA2 model system, version 4.02, are included in the file UPDATE.TXT (MINTEQA2 Model System Update Notes). This document is available as an ASCII text (non-binary) file in the README sub-directory. Refer to file READ.ME in the README sub-directory for further information on the storage format and/or print/view requirements of this file.
  • Updated application users' manual "MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental Systems: Version 3.0 User's Manual", and two application users' manual supplements for versions 4.01, 4.02, "MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental Systems: User Manual Supplement for Version 4.0", and "Diffuse-Layer Sorption Reactions for use in MINTEQA2 for HWIR Metals and Metalloids". These documents are available as Adobe(*) Acrobat(*) Portable Document Format (PDF) files (USERMANU.PDF, SUPPLE1.PDF, SUPPLE2.PDF) within the DOCUMENT sub-directory if the user chose to install the user's manual from the INSTALMT.EXE program install menu.
  • Refer to files SUPPLE1.PDF, SUPPLE2.PDF, UPDATE.TXT, ABSTRACT.TXT, READ.ME, and RELEASE.TXT for a summary of major scientific/application and operational changes as of date Thursday, 7 June 2000, 13:43:10 (release date).

Version: 4.01

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions

  • Created MINTEQA2 model system and user support documentation files (refer to sub-directory README): READ.ME, RELEASE.TXT, UPDATE.TXT, ABSTRACT.TXT, RESPONSE.TXT, and YEAR2000.TXT.
  • Composed INSTALIT/MediaBuilder code and logic for product version description (.PVD) and installation (.INF) script files.
  • Composed Lahey FORTRAN MAKE utility files (MAKEFILE.*) for all MINTEQA2 model system FORTRAN source code files in order to maintain executable (*.EXE) files for the MINTEQ, PRODEF, FRMT, and UNFRMT components.
  • Compiled and linked executable task image program files for the MINTEQA2 model system, version 4.01, using Lahey FORTRAN 90 compiler release 3.50c and linker (386LINK, 8.0_Lahey2).
  • Included executable task image files (XFRMTX.EXE, XUNFRMTX.EXE, XMINTEQX.EXE, XPRODEFX.EXE) and run time support operating system programs and files.
  • Included test output data files within the OUT_TEST sub-directory to test installation of the MINTEQA2 model system.
  • Included the following MINTEQA2 run time support programs and files:
    • MENU.BAT..........MINTEQA2 model system 'command menu' display command file
    • MINTMENU.SCR......MINTEQA2 model system 'command menu' file
    • MINRUN.BAT........MINTEQA2 model execution DOS command file
    • MINTOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 model welcome screen file
    • PRODEF.BAT........MINTEQA2 'problem definition' program execution DOS command file
    • PRODOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'problem definition' program welcome screen file
    • FORMAT.BAT........MINTEQA2 'data base format' program execution DOS command file
    • FRMTOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'data base format' program welcome screen file
    • UNFORMAT.BAT......MINTEQA2 'data base un-format' program execution DOS command file
    • UFRMOPEN.SCR......MINTEQA2 'data base un-format' program welcome screen file
  • Application revisions to the MINTEQA2 model system, version 4.01, are included in the file UPDATE.TXT (MINTEQA2 Model System Update Notes). This document is available as an ASCII text (non-binary) file in the README sub-directory. Refer to file READ.ME in the README sub-directory for further information on the storage format and/or print/view requirements of this file.
  • Included application users' manual "MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental Systems: Version 3.0 User's Manual", and two application users' manual supplements for version 4.01, "MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental Systems: User Manual Supplement for Version 4.0", and "Diffuse-Layer Sorption Reactions for use in MINTEQA2 for HWIR Metals and Metalloids". These documents are available as Adobe(*) Acrobat(*) Portable Document Format (PDF) files (USERMANU.PDF, SUPPLE1.PDF, SUPPLE2.PDF) within the DOCUMENT sub-directory if the user chose to install the user's manual from the INSTALMT.EXE program install menu.
  • Refer to files SUPPLE1.PDF and SUPPLE2.PDF for a summary of major scientific/application and operational changes as of Thursday, 2 December 1999, 10:43:11 (release date).