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Environmental Modeling Community of Practice

WhAEM2000 BBM Files - Silver Creek, New York

Click on any of the eight 15 by 15 minute quadrangles (outlined in red) to download binary base map files for that area. Alternatively, you can choose from a text list of available 15 by 15 minute quadrangles.

Each compressed download file contains binary base map files for roads, miscellaneous transportation, railroads, and streams. The download files are compressed as self-extracting Zip files and can be extracted to the directory of your choice.

Silver CreekSilver Creek Quad 1Silver Creek Quad 2Silver Creek Quad 3Silver Creek Quad 4Silver Creek Quad 5Silver Creek Quad 6Silver Creek Quad 7Silver Creek Quad 8

| Quad 1 | Quad 2 | Quad 3 | Quad 4 | Quad 5 | Quad 6 | Quad 7 | Quad 8 |