General Chemical Data Reporting Questions
- Chemical Data Reporting purpose and history, including the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act
- 1.1. What is the difference between IUR and CDR?
In 2011, EPA changed the name of this TSCA section 8(a) information collection from Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) Rule to Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule. The first collection of the IUR occurred in 1986; collections have occurred roughly every four years. The reader should note that wherever IUR is used to refer to the 40 CFR 711 regulations or to future CDR submission periods, IUR and CDR are synonymous.
EPA changed the name from IUR to CDR in recognition that the reporting requirements have changed over time and now include information that was not part of the TSCA Inventory.
View an overview of reporting requirements for the 2006, 2012, and 2016 CDR years at
- 1.2. Is the purpose of CDR to make additions or deletions to the list of substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory?
No. The purpose of CDR is to collect recent information on the manufacture (including importation); processing; and industrial, commercial, and consumer uses of certain chemical substances currently on the TSCA Inventory. Additions to the TSCA Inventory are made through EPA’s New Chemicals Program (See 40 CFR Part 720). You can learn more about the New Chemicals Program at
- 1.3. What is the difference between the CDR rule and the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) rule?
The TRI and CDR collections have different purposes and differ based on who reports, the substances reported, and the data elements reported.
CDR is a collection of basic exposure-related information on the types, quantities, and uses of chemical substances manufactured domestically or imported into the United States. The CDR rule, promulgated under the authority of Section 8(a) of TSCA, requires chemical substance manufacturers (including importers) to report manufacturing and processing data and industrial, commercial, and consumer use information for certain chemical substances on the TSCA Inventory.
Meanwhile, TRI tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. U.S. facilities in different industry sectors must report annually how much of each chemical is released to the environment and/or managed through recycling, energy recovery and treatment. (A “release” of a chemical means that it is emitted to the air or water, or placed in some type of land disposal.)Under the TRI rule, regulated facilities must report information on releases and other waste management for specific chemical substances in accordance with Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
For CDR, Manufacturers (including importers) are required to report if they meet certain production volume thresholds, generally 25,000 lbs or more of a chemical substance at any single site. In general, the annual reporting threshold is 25,000 lbs per site. However, a reduced reporting threshold (2,500 lbs) applies to chemical substances subject to certain TSCA actions. Only chemicals listed on the TSCA inventory are subject to CDR. The TSCA Inventory was created in late 1970s and currently lists 86,405 chemical substances with 41,484 of them identified as active in U.S. commerce. In 2016 (the last reporting cycle), about 5,660 sites reported approximately 8,700 chemicals, resulting in close to 42,500 chemical reports.
TRI includes data about more than 22,000 facilities across the country and covers more than 675 toxic chemicals. Facilities that manufacture, process or otherwise use these chemicals in amounts above established levels must submit annual reporting forms for each chemical. By making information about industrial management of toxic chemicals available to the public, TRI creates a strong incentive for companies to improve environmental performance. Information disclosure programs such as TRI are different than most federal environmental programs that are designed to achieve better environmental performance by setting standards and specifying how facilities must operate.
TRI information is updated annually and is reported to EPA directly from facilities. Meanwhile, the CDR data is collected every four years.
For more information, go to TSCA Inventory at or TRI at
- 1.4. How does EPA use the CDR information that is reported?
EPA uses the CDR data to support chemical prioritization, risk evaluation, and risk management activities, among other activities, under TSCA. This information allows EPA to develop an understanding of the types, amount, end uses, and possible exposure to chemicals in commerce. For example, processing and use information reported in 2012 and 2016 has helped EPA prioritize chemicals for risk evaluation. The data also includes information on the manufacture (including import), industrial processing and use, and consumer and commercial use of certain chemicals currently listed on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory), a list of chemicals that are manufactured (including imported) in the United States.
- 1.1. What is the difference between IUR and CDR?
- 2020 Submission Period
- 2.1. When is reporting required for 2020 Chemical Data Reporting?
The 2020 submission period is from June 1, 2020 to January 29, 2021. During this time period, manufacturers (including importers) are required to report 2016-2019 production volume information and 2019 manufacturing, processing and use information. This is an extended submission period for the 2020 reporting only.
- 2.2. What is the reporting frequency for the 2020 submission period and beyond?
The reporting frequency is every four years. The last submission period was in 2016. After the 2020 CDR submission period, the next submission period will be in 2024. In general, the submission period is from June 1 to September 30, or as identified in the regulatory text at 40 CFR 711.20.
- 2.3. Are there changes to the CDR reporting requirements for 2020?
EPA revised the reporting requirements in 2020 to better align with new statutory requirements resulting from TSCA amendments by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act and to address submitters’ feedback following the 2016 submission period. The information needed for the 2020 submission period is the same as or similar to that required for the 2016 submission period. For a high-level description of changes to the 2020 CDR reporting requirements, see Summary of Reporting Requirement Changes on the CDR website.
- 2.1. When is reporting required for 2020 Chemical Data Reporting?
- Reporting Assistance and Training
- 3.1. What types of reporting assistance are available?
Reporting assistance is available within the e-CDRweb reporting tool and in various documents on the CDR website. You may also contact the TSCA Hotline at 202-564-1404 or send an e-mail to
- 3.2. Is EPA providing training for CDR reporting?
Yes, EPA provides training for CDR reporting. The CDR website includes information on a variety of training opportunities.
Webinars: For 2020 reporting, EPA hosted a series of webinars covering topics such as CDR reporting requirements, using the e-CDRweb reporting tool, and registering with EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). The presentation slides, transcripts, and audio recordings of past webinars are available on the How To Report Under CDR page of the CDR website.
If you need additional reporting assistance, EPA has a variety of information documents available on the How to Report Under CDR page of the CDR website, or you may contact the TSCA Hotline at 202-554-1404 or send an e-mail to
- 3.1. What types of reporting assistance are available?