Industrial Sectors Subject to Chemical Data Reporting
Below is a list of Industrial Sector (IS) Codes and descriptions included in the Chemical Data Reporting effort. EPA replaced the 5-digit North America Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes with the following 48 Industrial Sector (IS) codes describing industrial activities.
EPA provides a listing of the corresponding NAICS and IS codes, so that if you know the NAICS code, you can easily identify the IS code: Replacement of 5-digit NAICS Codes with Industrial Sector Codes
Code | Sector Description |
IS1 | Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting |
IS2 | Oil and gas drilling, extraction, and support activities |
IS3 | Mining (except oil and gas) and support activities |
IS4 | Utilities |
IS5 | Construction |
IS6 | Food, beverage, and tobacco product manufacturing |
IS7 | Textiles, apparel, and leather manufacturing |
IS8 | Wood product manufacturing |
IS9 | Paper manufacturing |
IS10 | Printing and related support activities |
IS11 | Petroleum refineries |
IS12 | Asphalt paving, roofing, and coating materials manufacturing |
IS13 | Petroleum lubricating oil and grease manufacturing |
IS14 | All other petroleum and coal products manufacturing |
IS15 | Petrochemical manufacturing |
IS16 | Industrial gas manufacturing |
IS17 | Synthetic dye and pigment manufacturing |
IS18 | Carbon black manufacturing |
IS19 | All other basic inorganic chemical manufacturing |
IS20 | Cyclic crude and intermediate manufacturing |
IS21 | All other basic organic chemical manufacturing |
IS22 | Plastic material and resin manufacturing |
IS23 | Synthetic rubber manufacturing |
IS24 | Organic fiber manufacturing |
IS25 | Pesticide, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemical manufacturing |
IS26 | Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing |
IS27 | Paint and coating manufacturing |
IS28 | Adhesive manufacturing |
IS29 | Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet preparation manufacturing |
IS30 | Printing ink manufacturing |
IS31 | Explosives manufacturing |
IS32 | Custom compounding of purchased resin |
IS33 | Photographic film paper, plate, and chemical manufacturing |
IS34 | All other chemical product and preparation manufacturing |
IS35 | Plastics product manufacturing |
IS36 | Rubber product manufacturing |
IS37 | Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing (includes clay, glass, cement, concrete, lime, gypsum, and other nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing. |
IS38; | Primary metal manufacturing |
IS39 | Fabricated metal product manufacturing |
IS40 | Machinery manufacturing |
IS41 | Computer and electronic product manufacturing |
IS42 | Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing |
IS43 | Transportation equipment manufacturing |
IS44 | Furniture and related product manufacturing |
IS45 | Miscellaneous manufacturing |
IS46 | Wholesale and retail trade |
IS47 | Services |
IS48 | Other (requires additional information) |