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Chemical and Products Database (CPDat)

Screenshot of CPDat search in CompTox Chemistry Dashboard

What is CPDat? 

CPDat (Chemical and Products Database) is a database containing information mapping more than 49,000 chemicals to a set of terms categorizing their usage or function in 16,000 consumer products (e.g. shampoo, soap) types based on what chemicals they contain. The database is a part of EPA's Computational Toxicology (CompTox) Dashboard and contains data from other EPA databases including CPCat, CPCPdb and FUse. CPDat also contains data from non-targeted analysis of chemicals performed on different consumer products and from new product composition data that is publicly available.

For chemicals without a weight fraction in a given product, EPA scientists developed a model that generates a predicted weight based on its placement in the ingredients list. 

Users can search the CompTox Dashboard for chemicals by chemical name, Chemical Abstracts Registry Number (CASRN), or by a product type (e.g. "shampoo"). 

Web Application

CompTox Chemicals Dashboard

Publications and Resources

Journal Articles about Rapid, Exposure and Dose Research
ExpoCast Factsheet
Rapid Chemical Exposure and Dose Research
CPDat Data FileExit