Chemical Evaluation
EPA scientists develop and use various methods to test chemicals for potential health effects. This research is critical because it provides health effects information that policymakers can use to help inform chemical regulations and to prioritize chemicals.
High-Throughput Toxicology
High-throughput toxiocology refers to a quick and efficient method for testing chemicals for health effects. This approach helps prioritize, screen, and evaluate chemical safety for thousands of chemcials which can reduce the reliance on traditional toxicity tests, like animal testing.
Rapid Exposure and Dose Modeling
EPA is modeling and predicting exposures for thousands of chemicals across various scenarios relevant to human and ecological assessments to provide useful data to chemical risk assessors and regulators. Exposure predictions can be combined with health effect information to improve chemical risk assessments.
Emerging Materials and Technologies
EPA is developing and using new methods to test emerging materials and technologies such as engineered nanomaterials and biotechnology products.